Rock The Boat

“What Zelophehad’s daughters are saying is right. You must certainly give them property as an inheritance among their father’s relatives and give their father’s inheritance to them.
– Number 27:7

Sometimes, you need to rock the boat!

Have you ever read the story of the 5 women who rocked the boat in the bible? Ever heard of these names – Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milkah, and Tirzah? Anytime I read this story of the daughters of Zelophehad, it leaves me baffled. Not really because of what they did, as much as the implication of it to my life right now.

In this story, these 5 women demanded that a law be changed in their favor! Something which at that time was unheard of. Like, how do you ask for the laws to be repealed to suit your family? We have no record of it being done by anyone else before then.

What surprises me the most in this story is the fact that even God knew that daughters could inherit their fathers and He didn’t say anything to Moses or those before him before these women demanded it!
I find it amazing that something that was a valid desire, an acceptable longing, was there for so long and no one thought it was fine to ask for it.

Do you mean God was waiting for them to get up and stand up for what belongs to them?

You can imagine that some female children would have been thrown into penury following their father’s death simply because they didn’t want to rock the boat. Some girls must have gone hungry because they needed to stay politically correct, they didn’t want anyone to label them the rebels of the society!

These 5 ladies refused to follow the norm. They didn’t care what anyone thought of them. They believed the laws should change and they demanded just that.

The fact that God knows you need something does not mean you will have it. If you don’t get up, make a move, rock some boats, you may never get things done!

So, dear sister, what are those legitimate desires you have? What are those valid dreams, those great ideas you will like to see happen? You need to press into God today and have them delivered to you. It’s your right, it’s your inheritance, and God will be delighted to hand them over to you.

What are some places you need to get into to make some demands? What boats do you need to rock to get what should belong to you? Don’t be afraid to challenge the status quo today.

Prayer Moment

Lord, I thank You for the heritage that I have in Christ Jesus. Glory! Thank You for the precious blessings that You have already blessed me with in heavenly places.

Lord, I pray today, that I will no longer be timid or shy. I arise with boldness and courage, and I lay hold of what is mine.

Every desire of Your heart for me, I can sense, as I align myself to Your divine promises for my life in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Oluseye Ashiru

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