Solitude and Silence as Spiritual Disciplines: What Every Mom Needs for A Flourishing Life

“There is a time to be silent and a time to speak”

– Ecclesiastes 3:7

In this crazy, busy world, we find that one of the most difficult things to find is silence. While solitude may be tough, it can be achieved more easily than silence. While silence would usually require solitude, solitude does not always mean silence.

These days, with all the noise around us, it takes an intentional practice for us to step away for times of solitude and silence. We need those things – silence and solitude – if we must function as the Spiritual beings that God made us to be. In fact, silence and solitude are spiritual disciplines, even Jesus practiced them from time to time.

[Grow spiritually with our ROOTED Mom Spiritual Growth Study Series Here]

Solitude and silence help us to make space in our lives for God to do a deep work on our hearts and souls. In times of solitude and silence, we do nothing, we are just still before the Lord, and not everyone can do this.

Often, we are always running away to the next thing and we fill our lives with activities because deep down, we are afraid to be alone, without any scaffolds or crutches, just us, bare, before the Lord.

This week, will you allow the Holy Spirit to point out to you, areas where you need to break your busy routine, and embrace intermissions in your life where you need to be silent, quiet, and withdraw for renewal, refreshing and rejuvenation? What pockets of time can you find in your busy schedule throughout your day or week, to practice silence? God wants to reach you, but it can’t be effective if there’s always noise and activities around you.


Oluseye Ashiru

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