The Warrior Mom

“Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, So are the children of one’s youth. How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; They will not be ashamed When they speak with their enemies in the gate.”
– Psalm 127: 3-5

Every mom is a warrior by default.

The journey of motherhood is beyond all the externals. It’s wonderful to pay attention to schoolwork, kitchen duties, great and healthy mealtimes, football practice and all that. Those are important things that kids need to focus on. Beyond that, however, is the Mom who recognizes that the essence of motherhood is summarized in the above scripture.

“All Mothers are Warriors.”

This already implies that there is a war and there are battles. In our every interaction with our kids, we should always remember that we are in a constant battle with culture, mindsets, and stereotypes.
The enemy is always trying to take over when it comes to our kids. So, when it comes to our choices on the regular things that happens in families, we may need to reconsider our choices. We may need to base our decisions on the premise that we are at war.

So, on issues that are not particularly clear cut in the Bible, we make our choices based on the kind of future we believe our kids should be raised for.

How much TV time should my kids have? Should sleep overs be allowed? What friends should my kids be allowed to interact with? How do I handle Bible study and personal devotion time with my kids? Should we pray together as a family? These issues will be weighed very well before decisions are made that will impact on the child’s future.

Ruth, from The Better Mom, had this to say about Warrior Moms.

“Warrior moms remember they’re in a battle…And they’re wise to the strategies Satan implements in their own culture, community, and home. Warrior moms aren’t lulled to sleep by lives of comfort. They shake off the enemy’s sleeping powder, prying their eyes open so they don’t step in a land mine…They know they’re needed, so they die to self. And they prepare each arrow.”

As a warrior mom, you may not be the most popular. You may seem to go against the norm when it comes to certain things. This may be the price you need to pay for the future and destiny of your kids. You move ahead regardless of how others view your parenting choices.
You parent with the future in mind.

As a warrior mom, you spend time in serious prayer and intercession for your children. You secure their future, destiny, and purpose in God on a constant basis. You do what you can to ensure that you do not lose the battle to the adversary.

“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” Dear Mom, don’t forget that you are a warrior. The Battle is Real.

Prayer Moment

Father, I praise You for Your love and faithfulness in all things. I thank You for your protection and care for my family. Thank You for giving me the wisdom for raising my child.

I confess that some days, parenting is very tough. Many days I feel anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed. I ask that You make me more like You, more aware of Your constant presence in my life. Help me to remember that I am in a battle, and You have empowered me to be victorious over the schemes of the enemy.

I release myself to You for grace and wisdom to navigate my life’s battles in Jesus’ name.



Oluseye Ashiru.

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