Ask Him First

” I will send you the helper from the father. The helper is the spirit of truth who comes from the father. When he comes, he will tell you about me. And you will tell people about me too, because you have been with me from the beginning”
– John 15:26

Let him help you.

In today’s scripture, Jesus is saying He has sent us the Helper. The Helper is already dispatched, and He is waiting for us to maximize Him to the full. A helper is one who simplifies and supports functions through knowledge and experience. The Holy Spirit is the helper Jesus is talking about.

We all rely on different people to help meet different needs. For comfort, we might seek a parent or close friend. For managing money, we might seek a financial adviser. When sick, we rely on a doctor. But who can we turn to throughout the day for every need or every choice? And who is always close at hand to meet our deepest, most vulnerable needs? The loving Spirit of Christ is with us wherever we go and is always ready to help us.

A life fully empowered or maximally influenced by the Holy Spirit is one that is yielded to Christ throughout the day, asking for comfort, empowerment, wisdom, and direction. Today, before you give in to your cravings, first ask the Holy Spirit for help. Before you turn to others for help, first ask the Holy Spirit.

Pray this prayer today, “Father, please help me to always turn to you through every circumstance. Help me Lord, to be fully reliant on you. Holy Spirit, please help me to be wholly influenced by you.”

Prayer Moment

Lord, I thank You for the Holy Spirit, who is my greatest Helper.
I am sorry for the times when I have wandered off on my own because I relied on myself or others to help me and I ignored the Holy Spirit. Lord, today I commit again to engaging my senior partner and enlisting His help in all things. I will no longer run off to do my own thing, but I choose to rely on Him for His leading and help in Jesus’ name.


Tosin Osuntubo

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