Change Your Circle

“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” – Proverbs 13:20

Change your circle.

Take note of your mood when you interact with certain friends or family members. Who are the people that uplift your mood? And who are those that bring it down? The emotions of those you surround yourself with can easily rub off on you. And because your emotional well-being is a priority, you must guard it diligently.

Changing your circle to enhance it is no small feat. It takes a lot of courage and wisdom to navigate. But it is one of the best things you can do to improve the health of your mind, body and soul.
You may want to write a list of those who affect your mood negatively and pray for God’s wisdom to help eliminate these relationships.

You should also take it a step further to write a list of people you would like to add to your circle and pray to God to order your steps. Declare over yourself today, “My relationships bring me peace. They enhance and do not deplete me.”

Prayer Moment
Lord, I thank You for those You have brought my way over the years. Thank You for those in my circle and those around me. I declare that my heart is open to be sensitive to those who do not allow prosperity in my heart and soul. I am sensitive to recognize them and make necessary adjustments as You lead.
Help me Lord, to see the right company that you have made for me.


Yewande Olamide

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