Moms Discern

“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good – 1 Thessalonians 5: 21

Posture your heart close to the Lord.

As a mother, it’s often hard to find moments alone to recharge your spirit, I am sure you’d agree.
Do you enjoy seeing your child tired, overworked, exhausted, and drained?

Our Lord values close connections with His children. I believe busyness saddens the heart of God. Rigorous lifestyles wear down our souls and grieve the heart of the Father. The battle cries in our ears may sound like, “Mom, will you snuggle with me? Mom, I am scared. Mom, I miss going to school. Mom, will you play with me?”

But each battle cry is an opportunity to grow His Kingdom in these little hearts as well as the many hearts that our little warriors will reach. Let’s raise a generation of bold children of God that discern His voice, submit to His calling, and walk in obedience.

These three tools will help you to posture your heart close to the Lord.

• Discernment: teaching your child to hear, know, and recognize the voice of God is crucial. There is the joy that comes from knowing your child can hear God’s voice and discern it for themselves and sieve it from the voice of strangers.

• Submission: teaching your child about submitting every area of their life to the Lord. Everything changes when everything becomes His. This is so important, and it is the first step in discerning the voice of God.

• Obedience: Obedience becomes simple when your heart desires constant communion and fellowship with Jesus. Teaching your children to obey not out of law but from joy and love for Jesus is a daily goal.
Remember, you cannot give what you don’t have. So, walk this walk dear mom. Let your child catch your faith as they watch you.

Wherever you are in your spiritual walk, God will find a way to speak to you as a mother, in a way you will understand. Just pause long enough to hear, listen, and obey.

Prayer Moment

Lord, instruct me in the way to go. I pray that Your Holy Spirit will give me peace that passes all understanding in my walk with Christ and my walk with others. Help me to learn obedience and I submit my will to Your will.

Father concerning every issue I am confronted with, please help me to see all things through the eyes of God, in Jesus name I pray.

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