Rely on Jesus

“Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.”
– Psalm 91:1

I will rely on Jesus.

The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines Behavior as “The way a person acts” or “the manner of conducting oneself”. According to the Bible passage, everything begins and ends with Jesus. He is the foundation that we should lay our behavior on.

Therefore, the way we act and the manner we conduct ourselves must be based on Jesus.
The most sustainable way of improving a positive behavior and repelling a negative behavior is if the underlying basis of this behavior change is Jesus.

This is crucial because, except the Lord builds a house, the labourers labour in vain. Whether we have positive behavior we want to improve on, or it is a negative behavior we are trying to stop, it must be laid on Jesus if not it will be in vain. For example: I want to make healthier food choices so I can be in top shape to do the will of my Father, or I want to manage my finances better so that Jesus can entrust me with more responsibilities.

List the top 3 positive behaviors you would like to build and the top 3 negative behaviors you want to let go of. After listing, ask yourself – is Jesus centered around this behavior change? How can I better involve Jesus?

Pray over yourself, as you deliberately choose to make changes to your behaviour. “Today, I boldly confess that my life, my foundation, and my development is for Jesus. Jesus is the center of the way I act and conduct myself henceforth. Jesus reigns over every affair of my life. Hallelujah!”

Prayer Moment

Lord, I thank You because Jesus is indeed my foundation, and with Him I will never stumble.
Today, I bring all my actions before You and I ask that You search me and reveal to me where I need to make the right adjustments in all I do. Help me to rely on You only for the change I truly desire because without You I can do nothing.


Tosin Osuntubo

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