He Can Keep A Promise – Prayers For Waiting Mothers

He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the Lord !
Psalms 113:9 NLT

Our God is a faithful God.

We will be  praying for those Moms waiting on God for their children.

If you fall into this category or know anyone who does, kindly pray trusting God that you will testify, and very soon too in Jesus Name.


  • Father, I thank You for your Faithfulness upon my life in times past. I appreciate you because You’re a God who is able to do ALL THINGS. And I thank You because there is No impossibility with You.
  • Lord, I also thank You for Your precious promises towards my household and I. I thank You because it us Your desire that I have children.
  • Lord I confess every sin and anything I may have done and is keeping me in bondage to the enemy. I ask for Your mercy Lord.
  • I break myself loose from every grip of the enemy in Jesus name.


  • I pray today that I am fruitful. As I serve You, Father please bless me on every side and cause me to be fruitful. I will not be unfruitful or barren in Jesus name.
  • I come against every plan of the enemy to cause any unfruitfulness in my life in Jesus name. I am fruitful and so is my husband in Jesus name.
  • There shall be no infertility in my marriage and in my home.
  • I declare that there shall be no loss in Jesus name.
  • I come against every plan of the enemy to cause me to miscarry. I pray that I will not cast my young before its time, there shall be no miscarriage in the name of Jesus.


  • Lord, I appropriate Your promises upon my life and I declare that I am blessed.
  • I pray that I will also be counted amongst those with Children. The Lord will fill my mouth with laughter and with Joy as I begin to see His fruitfulness upon my marriage.
  • I declare that I will not be childless in Jesus name. I am a Joyful mother of children in the name of Jesus.


  • Lord, I pray that according to Your word concerning my life, I shall see a manifestation. Lord, please fulfill your promises concerning me.
  • I say There shall be no delay in Jesus name. In the time that You have planned, I will carry my own children.
  • Lord, please keep your word concerning my life in Jesus name.


  • Father I thank You because I know I have received answers to my prayers and there shall be a performance of Your word concerning my life.
  • I will rejoice and I will testify of Your goodness towards me and my home.
  • Thank You Lord for answered prayers as we have prayed in Jesus name.


So shall it be in Jesus name.

We all shall come forth rejoicing and full of testimonies in Jesus name.

Love You All,


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