Prayers For Pregnant Mothers

It’s a wonderful privilege to be expecting a baby. pregnan

Congratulations are in order!

As pregnant mothers sometimes, you can be full of anxieties, fear of the future [especially for those who have had a history of miscarriages or similar difficult experience].

You can chose to cast all of those burdens upon the Lord and trust Him to keep you under His everlasting arms.

These prayers are for every pregnant woman.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” – Phillipians 4:6

  • Father, I particularly want to appreciate You for the precious gift of this baby(ies) that you have given to me. I thank You for the privilege to partake of this wonderful experience of motherhood. You are worthy of all praise.
  • Father, I thank You for Your precious promises concerning my baby(ies) and I. Thank You Lord because this child(ren) is in Your purpose and plan for my life.

You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. – Psalm 139:16

  • Lord, I come against every Spirit of fear and anxiety concerning this pregnancy. I declare that I am as bold as a lion. I do not have the spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind. I put fear under the authority of the name of Jesus and I declare that I am not afraid of any evil report.
  • Lord, I will not be held in captivity of fear of any previous bad experience, miscarriage or still birth. This pregnancy is of the Lord and the Lord will keepwatch over me in Jesus name.
  • I will not be afraid of any medical condition. I subdue and I take authority over every report of the enemy concerning this pregnancy in Jesus name.
  • I will not be afraid of bad news, I trust confidently in the Lord to care for me and this pregnancy up till the time of delivery in Jesus name.
  • Lord, I receive strength for this great journey, physical, emotional and spiritual strength. I will not lose strength as I journey along this way in Jesus name.
  • I come against depression in any form during this journey of pregnancy and beyond in Jesus name. I am full of Joy all the way in the name of Jesus.

They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them. They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly. -Psalm 112:7-8

  • Lord, I pray concerning the growth and development of this baby. I declare that every part of the baby’s body is well formed and there shall be no deformities in Jesus name.
  • I declare that this baby is safe, healthy and happy in the name of Jesus. I declare also that I will remain strong and healthy till delivery and beyond in Jesus name.

I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. My body rests in safety. For you will not leave my soul among the dead…” – Psalm 16:8-10

  • Lord, I pray concerning my medical practitioners. I ask that You give them the wisdom to care for me as I ought to be cared for. I particularly ask that You will open their eyes to see nay areas that need to be taken care of. I declare that they will not do anything that will be detrimental to my baby and I.
  • I say to you (mention your name), Your soul dwells in safety! I will not be left among the dead concerning this pregnancy in Jesus name.
  • Throughout this period of checks and doctors’ appointments, I ask for grace and strength to be multiplied to them in Jesus name.
  • On the day of my delivery, it shall be with ease in Jesus name. I will not suffer loss in any way. I will be strengthened in every area.
  • Lord, I receive your strength in a new way. I will not be tired or weary. I will make it through. There shall be no loss.
  • As I enter into the delivery room, the angels of the Lord will be in charge of every procedure that will be required for me to come out of the delivery room with my baby in good health.
  • I shall not lose my life and my baby also on this journey in Jesus name.
  • I come against every demonic activity and I take charge under the authoritual and rulership of the Lord Jesus Christ.

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” – Phillipians 4:19

  • I pray for provision of resources as I require to care for this child in the right way in Jesus name. There shall be no lack.
  • Lord I thank You for answered prayers. I thank You because beyond my expectations you will do.
  • We pray and receive answers with thanksgiving on Jesus name.

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Love You All,

Oluseye Ashiru.

This post was first published on

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  1. Very timely!

    The Holy Spirit led me to your face page book at a time that I needed to pray but didn’t know how. The devil attacked but God rebuked the devourer.

    Thank you so much and God bless you.

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