Live By Believing

“For we live by believing and not by seeing.”

–  Isaiah 43:19

We live by believing.

As I turned my Bible to a very familiar scripture today, I saw it in a new light! There is something about some versions of the Bible that just brings out what God is saying right to your address.

‘We live by believing’

This means that we are not supposed to live by what we are taught in the classroom, not by what is going on around us but by believing!

Believing what? 

We are to believe the word of God! 

[Grow spiritually with our ROOTED Mom Spiritual Growth Study Series Here]

It is possible that some Christians are not truly living because they do not believe the word! Some are living by what is happening, what someone told them, what their doctors said, what the bank account says, and the many voices asking for our attention.

There were times I lived by seeing; seeing all the wrong things, or the ones that needed to be fixed and it gave room to anxiety, fear, and taking out my frustrations on family members. 

That isn’t the kind of life God envisioned for us. Remember His word, “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life”.

The purpose of Jesus in our lives is to give us a rich and satisfying life. 

Think about that for a bit, break it down into what it would mean for where you’re at, and believe it.

We live by believing!

What will you believe this year? What word has God given to you this year? What word are you holding on to?

Decide to live by believing God’s word to you this year, no matter what the circumstances around you may bring your way. Don’t let the enemy sow seeds of doubt within your heart, as you journey this new year.

Live by believing.

Prayer Moment

Dear Lord, thank You for loving me. I declare that I have a believing heart so I will live my life pleasing You in Jesus name.

Lord, help me to live a rich and satisfying life in Jesus’ name.

Everything the thief has stolen; I recover them all in Jesus’ name. 


Think Over it

What is God saying to me today?

Love, Blessing Onwuamah

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