The Courage To Arise – Prayer Confessions

“And he said, ‘O man greatly loved, fear not, peace be with you; be strong and of good courage.’ And as he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, Let my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.’” –  Daniel 10:19

I have the courage to arise.

Thank You Lord Jesus for Your strength upon my heart. I glorify You Jesus because You are so good to me.

And so, I declare that I am bold, courageous, and fearless. I will not be afraid or overwhelmed with terror about the things I experience or that I can see going on around me.

I take cheer, I am of good courage, I am not afraid or dismayed, swayed by the opposition ahead of me. I do not allow myself to dwell on my inadequacies, or the appearance of my opposition. 

As you command me, and as you lead me into victory this year, I will follow you without hesitation. I do not cower in fear or run away from battle with my tail between my legs.

I refuse to look back in the face of this fierce battle for my life, my destiny and that of my family, nation, and the church of God. 

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As you lead me, I stand up for truth and justice, I do not give up or give in. I will not allow fear of others, fear of opposition, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of what lies ahead, fear of what is possible, to stop me or inhibit my movement.

I will never turn my back on the desires of my Commander, the Lord Jesus Christ. I follow Him all the way, courageously, boldly and confidently. I steel my nerve and brace my soul for whatever lies ahead. 

I fortify myself in your presence and with Your power. I derive my courage from the presence of my God who cannot be moved or shaken by human circumstances. 

I step into a new season of boldness, I take on the challenges thrown my way, as I ride on the back of opposition to thrive and to grow as the Lord desires for me.

No longer will I choose defeat or self-preservation, as I embrace the Lord as my salvation, my song, and my strength! 

I am strengthened, secure, fortified, determined, alert, strong, brave, bold, persistent, and assured of Your promise to never leave me, walk off, or let me down.

I stand strong in the fact that the Lord is with me and for me, He will never relax His hold on me, and so, I will never be afraid of what any man can do to me.

I arise! I occupy! 

I take over territories as I move swiftly in my divine assignment on the wings of the spirit in Jesus’ name. 

  • Amen

Love, Oluseye Ashiru

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