The New and The Next – Prayer Confessions

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.’” 

–  Isaiah 43:19

I step into the new and the next of God for my life.

For the Lord is set to do something new, He has already begun it, I see it and I walk in it.

Indeed, old things are passed away, and all things have become new for me.

I release and let go of anything that is standing in the way of what the Lord is set to do in me and through me, therefore I declare I am willing and obedient to God’s instructions for my life in this new season.

The Lord shows me the path of life that leads to the fullness of joy for me this season, therefore I purpose in my heart to acknowledge God as my source alone. 

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I press on to possess that which the Lord has apportioned for me in this year and this season, I will not be slothful, I will not be lukewarm, I will not procrastinate.

I capture fortified cities, I claim fertile grounds, I take possession of houses filled with all kinds of good things just as He has promised.

I declare that I will eat and be full, that I and all that is mine are well-nourished, and we revel in God’s great goodness.

I declare that everything I do is for the joy of my King and the advancement of His kingdom. 

I gain spiritual insight and receive unparalleled wisdom to do my part in God’s scheme of things.

I disassociate and unclog my mind from anything that preoccupies my mind outside of God – any form of ignorance, distractions, associations, and faulty foundation.

I receive light and revelation in my new level and assignment, I choose to be deliberate and live my life from the realm of the spirit.

I arise, I show up and occupy my new level for God.

Thank you, Lord, because all things are working together for my good in this new level.


Oluseye Ashiru

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