The Start of Something New

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert”  –  Isaiah 43:19

It’s the start of something new.

Many of us have experienced one form of setback or failure throughout our lives. 

Sometimes, we allow these mistakes or failures to put us into bondage even up to the point where we never get to enjoy the full Christian life that God has given us to enjoy.

We may find ourselves with a dead-end job and we feel stuck thinking, “I went into the wrong career and now there is nothing I can do about it.”

We go into marriage and along the way, it ends in divorce or it may survive as a tragic, unending chain of arguments and fights.

Yet Jesus Christ said in John 10:10 “…I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.”

The good news is that God says, “I want to do something new in your life. I want to give you a fresh start, a new beginning.”

This news is a major element of our Christian faith – to start fresh and have a new beginning with God.

[Grow spiritually with our ROOTED Mom Spiritual Growth Study Series Here]

At the beginning of a new year, it is normal for us to think of this as a time of a fresh start, a time for new year resolutions. But the truth is that with God there is no special time that dictates when it is a new beginning. 

He is the God of new beginnings. 


As you go out today, believe that it is the start of something new. 

God is about to blow your mind. Get ready to lay hold of and hold on to whatever it is God has in store for you. 

Do that thing that seems impossible, start that workout today, forgive that friend today, and most of all, love up on God like never. 

It’s the start of something new!

Prayer Moment

Lord, I thank You for Your peace that guards my heart and my soul. Thank You, Lord, for breaking through the distractions of my life and reaching me even in my lowest moments.

I pray today, that I will be intentional about being the kind of woman that cultivates a quiet and gentle spirit, keeping the storm on the outside where it belongs.

I will not be distracted or moved by whatever the world may throw at me. I stand strong and firm in the peace that the Lord gives in Jesus’ name.

– Amen

Think Over it

What is God saying to me today?

Love, Oluwatosin Olasanmi

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