My Consecration: Prayer Confessions

But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.”

–  Romans 6:22

I am separated unto the Lord.

Lord, I thank You for the salvation of my soul and for the gift of adoption whereby I cry Abba Father.

Thank you for loving me Lord, it is your love for me that makes all the difference. Your love found me and brought me out of darkness into light. 

I glorify and praise you for the grace made available to me in Christ Jesus, grace to know you, seek you and serve you. 

I am grateful for the blood of Jesus that was shed for the remission of my sins. I appreciate God for the work of redemption completed for me at Calvary through his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. I do not take it for granted at all.

Today, I decree and declare that sin will not rule over me, sin will not have dominion over me. I will not be a slave to sin. My members will be God’s operating system and useful as instruments of righteousness in His hands.

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I yield my body and my entire self to obey God unto righteousness. I would not yield to sin because it leads to death. 

My members are submitted to righteousness and holiness. My faculties are vessels unto righteousness. I am an oracle of God and an instrument of light.

My senses and faculties would not be yielded as an oracle in the hand of Satan.

God controls my members, and my potentials are accessed and harnessed into carrying out exploits for the advancement of God’s kingdom.

My gifts, talents, skills, intellects, personality, and entire life will produce volumes as fruits for the kingdom of God.

The extent to which I yield my members is the extent to which God will use me. I decree that I am yielded and submissive to God and always available for His use and His glory.

Grace will be available for me to live up to the standard of God. Grace is the energy by which God administers sufficiency to us, to be able to dispel the power of sin and darkness. Grace empowers us to live beyond the scope of a fallen man.

I will not yield to the prescription and seduction coming from the kingdom of darkness through lust.

There will be a brilliant expression of the tributaries of the grace of God in my life and it will be evident that I have been with Jesus.

Grace shall give me victory over self and sin, grace is bestowed upon me to overcome sin and Satan.

Everyone serves something, either light or darkness, Jesus, or Satan but I choose to serve Jesus.

Consecration is the pathway to righteousness through holy living; therefore, I have chosen to live holy.

My members are consecrated, my ears, eyes, heart, hands, and feet are only available to God, they are not available to the kingdom of darkness.

I will not be feasting when I should be fasting, I would not be playing when I should be praying, I will not be speaking vain words when I should be preaching or teaching the gospel.

I am sold out totally to Jesus. He oversees every area of my life, my marriage, finances, career, businesses, academics. 

There is no facet of my life which He doesn’t control. If I have confessed Him as Lord, I give up control of my life, He is in charge now.



Oluseye Ashiru

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