Prayer Confessions for A Discerning Heart

 “But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.”

–  Hebrews 5:14

I have a discerning heart.

Lord, I thank you because I am able to acquire knowledge from your word to fill my heart. I know that once your living word is in my heart, I will be able to differentiate between right and wrong.

I thank you, Lord, for the community of believers you have surrounded me with to keep me sharp and on the right path. I will continue to stay rooted in your word and in the counsel of godly women.

Lord, I declare that I have a discerning heart, a heart that has insight and understanding into your word. 

My thought patterns will be filled with your word and your truth will become ingrained in my heart. My heart will understand all you say in your word of truth.

I will not trust my own understanding, rather I will trust the understanding of God. I will bind His teachings around my neck and write them in my heart. 

Lord, I declare that every knowledge that I glean from your word will help me to become wise because I will put all that knowledge into practice.

Lord I declare that I will know when to tune out ungodly thoughts, words from others and gossip. I will not be influenced by ungodly and unkind words spoken about other people, especially my sisters. 

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I have the knowledge and wisdom of God. I have grace and strength to silence these negative thoughts and words whenever they come.

I am protected from false teachers and confused people who do not understand your word. I will not seek counsel from the wrong people who will lead me astray. 

I guard my heart by planting righteousness and the fruits of God’s Spirit into it so that springs of life can flow from it to people around me. I fight off and uproot every weed of bitterness, sinful habits, discouragement, envy, and jealousy from the garden of my heart. 

My heart will remain a rich soil for the seeds that God continually plants in my life and I will continue to produce fruits of righteousness. 



Oluseye Ashiru

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