The Secret Place

But the news about Jesus spread all the more, and great crowds came to hear Him and to be healed of their sicknesses. Yet He frequently withdrew to the wilderness to pray.”

– Luke 5:15-16

God in flesh came down to the earth for our sakes. While He was here, He was fully human and fully divine, and His humanity required times to withdraw. So, why would we think we could keep running our lives without the secret place?

Our secret place is our place of power, and we must give attention to that secret place.

When we say ‘a place’, we don’t merely refer to a physical place, but it is a place of our relationship and intimacy with God, a place where we build fortitude and strength.

[Grow spiritually with our ROOTED Mom Spiritual Growth Study Series Here]

Listen to this week’s podcast here

Do you make room for that kind of place in your life, where you dwell in the secret place? What architecture have you created for yourself to ensure that you make room in your heart and life for the secret place?

This week, as we study God’s word together, make His presence a priority, the secret place your everyday normal, and you will see God’s power manifested in your life.

I can’t wait to dive in deep with you this week.


Oluseye Ashiru

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