Hello June! Time For Quantum Leaps

Welcome To June!

As I usually do at the end of one month to the beginning of another, I asked God what this month of June was going to be like.

I like to ask God for a word for any new thing or season of life. It helps me to have directions and to know how God wants to deal with me in that season. Sometimes, also, I like to get a word from God so that I can run with that word and when things are not going according to the word, I can take a stand and ensure the word works for me.

Back to the beginning of the new month of June, I got a word from God for me and for anyone who identifies with this Mom Community. I am trusting God that each and everyone of you will see this word come to pass in your lives.

Here we go.

Hello June!

It’s a Month of Quantum Leaps. 

It won’t be about human calculations or projections. Not according to your permutations and combinations; not according to your plans or know how; not according to your abilities or qualifications, not according to what you can imagine. It will be exceeding all that you can imagine or think. It will be a quantum leap indeed.

I am totally convinced that when God gives a word, He backs it up with His power and this word will not be an exception.

What should be your point of action?

Pray and Confess God’s Promises

Once God has given a word, it becomes our duty to pray until we see it come to pass. Turn this into a confession, pray it out, do what you can to ensure you are declaring God’s promises until you see it happen for you.

Make a Move Towards Your Dreams and Desires

I like the story of Ruth and Boaz in the Bible. As much as Boaz wanted to help feed Ruth and Naomi, he did not send them a gift of food, he gave instructions to his servants to leave food in the field for Ruth. Ruth needed to be in the field to get that food. It was a gift, but she had to position herself for that increase. So, God has spoke, but you need to position yourself for the increase and the blessings.

Remain Sensitive To Opportunities For Increase

Once you know that God is set to do something in your life, you have to be sensitive to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way that God will use to bless you and fulfill His promises for you. Check eat opportunity and don’t be afraid to be stretched beyond your regular routine.

So, what’s it going to be for you? Will you be pressing in to God until you get answers this month?

I’ll love to hear from you.

Have a Joyous June,

signature pink


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“Please take me back to my office. I can’t do this”


  1. Hi, Fab blog! I have just set up mine, but still in the very early stages – a few months old. Just making efforts to link in with fellow bloggers to improve our followers and get the word out there for us both. I would appreciate you having a peek at my blog, as I have published several posts. Feel free to like, comment, follow or just take a peek. Thank you 🙂

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! Just took a peep at your blog as well. Had to run off very quickly as the display of yummy looking food made me really hungry – just kidding.
      Your blog looks good. Well done.

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