A life of denial

“And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”

– Luke 9:23

You are only as ready to follow Jesus as you are ready to live a life of denial.

A life of denial does not mean that you lose who you are, it is a willful surrender of your desires under God’s will and purpose for your life.

In this era of living to do you like, denial is not something the world embraces as it is goes against the very grain of self-pleasure.

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Choosing to deny yourself is a sign that you are ready to go all the way with Jesus. It may see to be contrary to what the world around us dictates to us as what is acceptable, but as we see in God’s word, we have no other way.

If we must come to Jesus, we must be willing to surrender our own way and embrace the way that God has laid down for us.

In what ways do you need to embrace the lifestyle of denial in your life?

This week, lean into the Holy spirit and let Him reveal to you those areas of your life where you need to make adjustments, carry your cross and follow Him completely.

Oluseye Ashiru

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