Get Out of Bed

“Get out of bed, Jerusalem!

Wake up. Put your face in the sunlight.

God’s bright glory has risen for you. – Isaiah 60:1 MSG

Are you in bed?

I was at a point in my life where I felt stuck. 

You know that feeling where nothing seems to be working the way you want it to? Yes! That feeling of not knowing what to do or where your next steps will take you. That was me at that time. 

Maybe that is you today too. Maybe you are searching for answers about who you are, what on earth your life is about, or whether God even has plans for you.

Sometimes, the enemy has a way of whispering lies into your mind and thoughts, telling you that you are not good enough, nothing beautiful can ever come out of you, and all those kinds of lies.

Can I let you know this for sure today? 

God is already waiting on you.

I love this scripture above – very graphic description if I say so myself. This can be me sometimes – make that a lot of times – lying in bed, working on my phone, too lazy to get up and get on to my computer to get my work done. 

Sometimes, I know that if I got up, I could get my work done in a shorter time, but I allow myself to keep staying in bed, wasting precious time, and taking longer to get my work done.

Why do I keep staying in bed, even when I am sure that getting up would bring better results?

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A lot of times, it is my subtle way of procrastinating on an activity that I know needs to get done, but I am not willing to get to just yet. Aha! Insert light bulb emoji right here.

Is this you? 

Staying in bed or stuck in your thinking, not moving forward?

God says, “Get out of bed! Wake up! Put your face to the light!”

Why? God’s bright glory has risen for you. You don’t need to worry about how it is all going to turn out.

Stop stalling, stop procrastinating. Get up and keep moving.

What is that idea God put in your heart that you have been sleeping on? What have you been stalling on?

Today is that day you listen to God saying to you, “Get out of bed!”

It is time to receive God’s light and let Him shine through you.

Prayer Moment

Father, I thank You for Your word to me today. 

I confess that I have often been slow to hear and obey Your voice. 

From today, I repent, trusting that You will have mercy on me.

I no longer allow the voice of the enemy to stop me from stepping into God’s best for me. I arise, I wake up, I get out of bed, I turn my face to the light that Jesus gives, and I shine forth that light, in Jesus’ name. Amen

Think Over it

What is God saying to me today?


Oluseye Ashiru

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