Show Me My Teachers: Prayer Confessions

 “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying,
“This is the way, walk in it,”
Whenever you turn to the right hand
Or whenever you turn to the left.

–  Isaiah 30:21

I discern and receive my teachers.

I declare that God is my ultimate teacher, for He instructs and teaches me. I leverage the help of The Holy Spirit to teach and guide me into all truth.

I will be deliberate about whom I allow into my life and my circle.

The Lord reveals my teachers to me, I recognize them, and I seek them out this season in Jesus name.

My eyes of understanding are opened to see why God has brought certain people into my life; therefore, I receive discernment on every relationship the Lord has brought me into.

[Grow spiritually with our ROOTED Mom Spiritual Growth Study Series Here]

As the Lord reveals my teachers to me, I will not idolize them or allow them to take the place of God in my life.

I engage purposefully and intentionally teachers, mentors and coaches who will guide and help me in this season of my life.

I deliberately guide my heart with all diligence against teachers who have a form of godliness but deny the power of God.

I model after my teacher in integrity, dignity, discipline, values, and Christlike living purposefully for my king and His kingdom.

I thank you, Lord, for the grace to partner with God to fulfil my purpose.



Oluseye Ashiru

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