Tick Tock, Tick Tock – Use Your Time Wisely

“Walk in wisdom to them that are without, redeeming the time”

– Colossians 4:3

Use your time wisely.

The gift of time is so precious, and how we use our time each day determines a whole lot about whether or not we can spend time in God’s word as should.

God has blessed you as a mother with an amazing ability to organize and administer things. It is innate, and you can develop that ability and perfect the skill. 

“A man’s heart devises his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”

As you spend time each day, imagine how much easier life can be when the Lord directs your steps. 

Have you been struggling with the feeling of overwhelm that threatens to swallow you up most days?

Are you struggling with how to use your time more wisely?

Here a few tips that can help you:

[Grow spiritually with our ROOTED Mom Spiritual Growth Study Series Here]

  • Start your day with the Lord in the word – when you spend time with the Lord at the beginning of your day, you will find that you have a great start to your day, set the tone for that day, and draw peace and strength from His presence.
  • Use a timer and a reminder – it helps to know what to do and when. It helps you not to forget.
  • Focus – Set limits as to what chunks of time to use for each task – Redeem Time!
  • Assign / Delegate – Teach children to look out for the needs of others and not just themselves. Let them know what it means to ‘help Mommy’. Ask for help if you need to. Don’t burn yourself out.
  • Don’t do everything in the morning- Preparing for the following day the night before, is a great time management skill. Your rest is important.
  • Have a bedtime routine – Bedtime routine should be for most days of the week. Skipping sleep is not healthy.
  • Submit all things to God. He sure makes every burden lighter.

Spending time in God’s word takes careful and intentional planning of your time. What needs to change in your schedule from today?

“Is there anyone who planning to build a new house, does not first sit down and figure the cost so you’ll know if you can complete it?”

Prayer Moment

Father, please make me a wise manager of my time, and strengthen me to make choices that honor You, choices that lead me closer to You. 

Teach me to be intentional with the choices I make and the activities I’m involved in. 

I thank you, Lord, for the people and opportunities you have blessed me with. I ask for the grace to make use of them wisely and prudently to ultimately bring glory to Your name in Jesus’ name I pray. 



Oyinola Ogungbe

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