Prayer Confessions for My Well-Being

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.”
– 1 Corinthians 6:19

I am well in my mind.

Lord we know that you want us to be in good health even as our soul prospers because our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. When we are in good health, we will be able to fulfil your purpose for our lives, live more abundantly and affect the lives of others around us positively.

Lord, I receive strength and the will to take care of my body, especially my mind, so that I can live a healthy life. When my mind is healthy, my body is healthy and I will be able to think good thoughts because whatever I think, I become.

God values me so much that He has numbered the hairs on my head, therefore I will not be afraid. I will place more value upon myself and everyone around me, treating everyone with dignity, kindness, and respect. I resist the temptation to ill-treat my body.

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I will rise up early in the morning before day breaks to pray, spending time with God, growing in my relationship with Him.

I will surround myself with believers who will build me up, support me whenever I am going through a hard time or when I just need encouragement. I declare I am confident and have a sense of purpose. I have strong connections with believers and trusted family and friends.

Lord help me to practice gratitude, counting my blessings all the time, because when I am thankful, I will think grateful thoughts, and negative thoughts will fade away.

I am able to approach difficult situations with a sense of clarity without feeling overwhelmed.

Lord help me to have the courage to reach out to my community for help anytime I feel overwhelmed. Help me to find people I can trust to nurture, protect, and inspire me.

I am fearfully and wonderfully made, made for a purpose. I have spiritual gifts that can serve others because I am a faithful steward.

Lord help me to take breaks when needed, resting when I should, making sure that I do not burn myself out.

Lord, nothing happens in the physical without it first appearing in the spiritual, I command every darkness around my spiritual territory to leave me. I declare light overcomes the darkness



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