The Right Atmosphere

“Now may the lord of peace himself give you his peace at all times and in every situation.” – 2 Thessalonians 3:16

Create the right atmosphere.

How would you label the atmosphere of your home? Chaotic? Tense? Anxious? Something as simple as background music can shift the atmosphere of your home from heavy to light. Do you have music that instantly uplifts your spirits? For some, it is the living and powerful spoken word of God in the form of an Audio Bible.

Believe it or not, your own mood sets the tone for the rest of the household. When you are joyful, the rest of your household will follow suit! To shift the atmosphere, it is in the little things you do. So, today, you can create a calming playlist for your home environment.

Play it in the background daily, especially when you feel tense and anxious.
You may even decide to download the audio version of the Bible, and have it playing continuously in your home. Say to yourself, “My home is a sanctuary, and living here brings me peace.”

Prayer Moment

Lord, I thank You for the home You have given to me. I am thankful to be the steward You have set in this home to regulate the atmosphere in my home. Lord, today, I commit afresh to being a great custodian of my home, to ensure that I regulate the things going on around me in a way that honors you and brings peace to my heart and soul. I receive God’s wisdom to know the little shifts I need to make to make my environment a habitation of peace in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Yewande Olamide

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