#MomsPray Friday – Wisdom For Motherhood

Sometimes, some things happen to our children or they have some issues, or ask some questions, and we’re just at a loss.

“How On Earth am I to handle this?”

The truth is that living is an act and it requires wisdom. So does Motherhood.

Why will I keep moving around in circles to sort issues out when I can simply look to the One who has the manual for life? If you’ve ever had to navigate some especially difficult situations concerning your kids or ever had to answer some tough questions that your kids ask you, you will agree with me that the Wisdom from the Lord is essential to our Daily Living.

Today, we will be praying for God’s wisdom to handle this all important responsibility He has given to us.

“Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding.” – Proverbs 3:13

“that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom…” – Ephesians 1:17

“But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. – James 3:17


  • Father, I am grateful for the gift of today. Thank You for the privilege to be alive.
  • Father, I appreciate you for the Gift of Motherhood. I repent of every time I have stubbornly tried to do it my way. Lord, please have mercy.
  • If I have made any wrong decisions or followed any wrong counsel that is having any negative results on my child[ren], Lord, I confess them and repent today. I ask that by Your mercy, You will help me to make amends in Jesus name.
  • I declare that the Blood of Jesus will speak mercy for me in this situation in Jesus name.
  • I acknowledge that I can’t do this enormous work without You and without Your wisdom.
  • I humbly come before You today and I ask for Your divine wisdom to navigate this journey. I receive Divine wisdom that I need to deal with my peculiar situation concerning my kids in Jesus name.
  • I refuse to box my children into any stereotypes, but I will deal with them according to their unique personality, their unique purpose and destiny in Jesus name.
  • Lord, I ask that You will reveal to me who my kids really are so I can sow the right seeds into their future in Jesus name. I pray that I will lead them aright in every way necessary in Jesus name.
  • Father, let me not be carried away by the way things are done in my environment or culture. I ask that I will do things the way You want them done. I rely totally on the wisdom of God.
  • From this day, I receive the Spirit of Wisdom and of counsel. My decisions are based on Your instructions in the name of Jesus.
  • Help me Lord not to react to situations in the flesh. I will constantly be led by Your Spirit. In situations of anger, frustration and helplessness, I will do that which Only You will lead me to do in Jesus name. In situations of impatience, I choose to remain patient. In times of frustration with my kids or others around me, help me to choose calmness in Jesus name.

Thank You Lord for in You I can do all things.

I receive answers to all my Prayers by Your Grace in Jesus name.


Signature striving Nigerian mom

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