
A Brand New Week is here again!

I wrote a short poem a few days ago about Leaving the storms of life on the outside. I was going to write an article at that time, but for some reason, as soon as I sat to do that, a poem flowed out instead. I started writing that post about a month ago, but I left it in the draft with only the title written.

[See Leave It On The Outside Here]

I was prompted to write that piece because of a certain experience I had a few months back.

I had gone to a certain office to resolve some issues. I met another woman there – a friend – whose issues had been resolved to a large extent but just needed to tidy up some loose ends. When we got talking, I was telling her about how God had shown up for me in times past and that fact gives me confidence that this other matter would be resolved in good time. I was encouraging her all through that period when we had to wait for the person in charge to attend to us. At that time, she didn’t realize that my matter was far from being resolved while hers was almost completely resolved. She was surprised when she asked and I told her how far I had gone. She just could not believe that I could be so much at peace in the midst of all the issues. She looked at me weird you know.

She said to me:

“Thank you for encouraging me to trust God more. If you can be so much at peace in the midst of this storm, then I can learn to be at peace too”

This taught me a valuable lesson.

It’s not the magnitude of the storm that sinks a ship, it’s the ability of the ship to stay afloat. It’s never about the storm, it’s always about me.

This Bible verse below sums up the idea behind this.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

– Phillipians 4: 6-7

You know this scripture didn’t say that when you present your requests to God, you will get immediate answers – that’s not what it promises. It simply says, just by presenting those requests, you can just surrender it all to the Master. That’s when you have peace. Giving it all to Jesus means you trust Him with the outcome of the situation, no matter what it may be.

As you navigate the waters of this week, keep Jesus at the center. Don’t let worry and panic take center stage.

Have a peaceful week as I leave this song with you.

Perfect Peace By Laura Story

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UpfatdyFtY&w=640&h=360]


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