#MomsPray Friday

“May our sons flourish in their youth like well-nurtured plants. May our daughters be like graceful pillars, carved to beautify a palace.” – Psalm 144:12

And the child grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the wilderness until he appeared publicly to Israel. – Luke 1:80

And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him. – Luke 2:40

Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people. – Luke 2:52

When it comes to praying for my children, I believe so much in declaring God’s word over their lives. I usually say to myself:

“I’ve never been a parent before, but God has. He knows everything I need to know. So, I will follow in His footsteps”

Today, as we pray, we will be declaring God’s word over the lives of our children.

  • Father, I thank You for the privilege of motherhood. I am so grateful to you for allowing me to share in this Glorious calling of nurturing and raising mighty seeds.
  • Lord, I agree with Your word concerning my children today, and I declare that my children have uncommon wisdom. They are grown up in their youth and they carry God on their inside for exploits, creativity and witty inventions in the name of Jesus.
  • Lord, I declare that my children are made for the palace. They are always above only and never beneath. Everywhere my children find themselves, they always lead the pack. They are influencers for God’s kingdom and an example to all their peers in matters of righteousness, purity and holiness in the name of Jesus.
  • I declare that my seeds are Royalty and they will walk with the consciousness of their Royal status. They will only engage in activities that are fitting for Kings and Queens in Jesus name
  • Lord, I pray that my children are growing in stature – physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual…in the name of Jesus. They are increasing on every side. They are strong in Spirit, they are full of the Spirit of God.
  • I declare that my children are full of God’s wisdom and full of God’s Grace. Their entire lives will be hinged on the Grace of God. Everywhere they go, Grace covers them. When people see them, all they will see is Grace in the name of Jesus.
  • I declare that the favour of the Lord encompasses around all my children as a shield. They receive favour with God and with man. When others are being looked down upon, they will be looked up to. They will be singled out for favour no matter what may be going on around them in Jesus name.
  • I pray that they will receive an uncommon desire to do the will of God in Jesus name. They will serve the purpose of God in their generation. They will not be carried away by all the negative influences going on around them in the name of Jesus.
  • Thank You Father because as we have spoken in Your ears, You have done unto us. We receive results with hearts of thanksgiving


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