How To Help Your Child To Walk in God’s Purpose

How To Help Your Child To Walk in God's Purpose

Your child has a special place in God’s agenda and plans and this God-given purpose is too important to be left to chance.

As parents, and especially as mothers, the responsibility is even more on us, to help our children discover the path that God has laid out for them to follow.

When a child has a good idea of their God-ordained path, they will be more passionate about following the Lord as they will realize that only in following Him will their purpose be fulfilled. Your child will also be able to focus his energies on the things that truly matter.

Raising your child on purpose will help you to understand how to treat her individuality and harness the God- given potentials in the right way.

How to help your child walk in God’s purpose for their lives.

How Can You Then Help Your Child To Live Life On Purpose?

  • Point Your Child Towards Christ: The most important thing you can do for your child is to guide him to know Jesus and have a personal relationship with the Lord. If a child is to discover and fulfill God’s purpose, what better way than to know intimately the one who will reveal that purpose? This is why pointing them to Jesus is truly the best gift we can give our children. When they know Jesus, they can begin to truly discover who God has made them to be in Him.

It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone. – Ephesians 1:11-12


[To learn more about Leading Your Child To Christ, Read This Post Here]

  • Help Your Child To Discover What They are Gifted For and Not Limit Them To Your Own Expectations: If you are objective enough to let your child show and be comfortable in their true talents and gifts, this will be a pointer towards their purpose. Oftentimes, as parents, we have our set ideas about the kind of future our children should have, but this idea may not be in line with God’s plans for them. We will do well to identify and encourage them to walk in their natural talents and abilities no matter how difficult this may be for us. We should encourage them to discover their passion and their areas of strength.



  • Invest In Their Gifts and Help Them To Find Ways To Serve Others With Their Gifts: This could be a tedious proposition, I know! But, we cannot afford to, because of our own comfort and busy lives, fail to help our children develop their own talents and gifts. We must invest our energies, time, resources in their gifts as well as encourage them to use those gifts to serve others. Sometimes, as kids get older, there is a tendency for them to become more self-conscious about serving with their gifts. We should find ways to keep encouraging them and reminding them that we have gifts so that we can serve others with them.

“There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to all for their particular service.” 1 Corinthians 12:6

  • Let Your Children See You Lead Them By Example In This Area: If you are confused or nonchalant about using your abilities and gifts for God, or not walking in purpose, it cannot be easy to point your child in that direction. It is therefore important, that as parents, we show our children the way when it comes to discovering and walking in God’s purpose for their lives.

Children are great imitators. So, give them something great to imitate – Unknown


If you find that you are not clear about God’s purpose for you as well, then let’s have a chat.

Drop a comment below or email me at [email protected].

Keep encouraging your child to walk in God’s purpose.

This is the best gift you can give to them.


Oluseye Ashiru

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