10 Tips on How To Get The Laundry Dry on Rainy Days

“Get the laundry! Get the laundry!”

That’s the typical mom cry when the clouds gather.

What do you then do, when it’s been raining non-stop for days, and you need to get the laundry dry because, well, the house is smelling of damp and the children need their uniforms?

In this post, we share with you 10 Tips on doing your laundry and getting them dry even when the weather is really wet.

10 Tips on getting the laundry dry on rainy days



When others may be thinking of how to get around and about in the rain, a typical mom is thinking of that in addition to getting the pile of wet laundry dry!

Here are a few practical tips that will help you to sort out the laundry and get by until the rains are not as frequent.

  1. Prioritize: This is not the time to spring clean and think of getting all the old curtains into the laundry pile. At this time, you should be thinking of the really important items in the laundry basket like children’s school uniforms, underwear, socks, and those essentials that you need regularly.
  2. Plan Ahead: This season requires a lot of thought and planning ahead. You need to be proactive and think through items that are needed urgently and wash them at least 3 to 4 days ahead of when they are needed. If possible, do your laundry in smaller loads and more frequently. That way, you will have less clothes to dry and you can also leave room for the clothes to get dry ahead of when they will be needed, considering the fact that you do not have good ol’ Mr Sunshine to come to your rescue.Tips on How to get Your Laundry dry on Rainy Days
  3. Act Swiftly In Dealing With Stains: With the rain comes mud and other attendant stains. To prevent clothes from getting permanently damaged with stains, tackle the stains as soon as clothes are removed by spot treating the stain areas with detergent. In the case of mud stains, you can let them dry and then remove the dry mud before spot treating the stained areas.
  4. Invest In a Good Indoor Clothes Dryer: These clothes dryer can be a life saver a lot of times as they are portable enough to be moved around to places where you can air your clothes indoors and also be able to carry them outdoors when the sun is out without having to move the clothes off the line. So, if you have one, you can use it and if not, you may consider buying one for use during the rainy season.
  5. Use a Makeshift Clothes Line: You can use this inside your house or under a covered area outdoors. Shower curtain rods, a piece of string tied between two chairs or two window burglar bars can prove to be a useful tool for getting your clothes dry. That will be a major win for mom’s improvising skills now, won’t it? If you are hanging clothes indoors, ensure you have the windows open to ensure there’s circulation of air for health reasons and even to ensure the clothes dry faster.
  6. Think Out of the Box and Use Available Space Well: Doors, bed frames, shower curtain rods, horizontal window burglar bars are some of the spaces you can use to dry out your clothes when the rains are pouring non stop. To maximize your little airing space, you can also place the clothes on hangers before putting on your make shift line (the plastic types are better to use to prevent stains on the clothes). To prevent the clothes from moving on the line, you can use a clothespin (or peg). Big bed sheets and towels can be placed on top of the doors to air them indoors.
  7. Use The Warm Areas in Your Home: Warm area? In this weather? You will be amazed at the warm spots in your home even in this weather. Places like the back of your refrigerator will keep warm and you can place items like wet shoes, or a basket with socks drying at the edges behind the refrigerator. All you need to do is to get your creative juices flowing and you will find a way.
  8. Take Out The Excess Water: Whether you are using a washing machine or hand washing the clothes, wring out the excess water as much as you can. Then shake the clothes also so you can get them straightened out a bit. You can also use a towel to wring out the excess water in some of your clothes before airing them. This will prevent them from dripping all over the floor if you will be drying them indoors and make them dry in good time.
  9. Use a Fan To Help Speed Up the Process: You can also place a fan in the room to help the circulation of air in the room and to also help the clothes dry faster. If you are hanging the clothes, turn them over every hour or so to help them dry faster. Moving them around helps to get air into other parts of the clothes too.
  10. Use Your Good Old Iron Dry Method: Yes! If you really need to use your clothes urgently, and they do not look like they will get dry any time soon, you can iron them out a little and then air them out. This will help to speed up the drying process and you are good to go with your clothes.

While the rainy season may seem a little inconvenient for moms to do laundry and get a whole lot of work done, these tips can help you take out the worry from the process.

Have you used any of these tips before? Kindly share how they helped you.

You have some tips that have worked for you for drying your laundry during the rains? We would love to read them as well.

Don’t forget to drop your comments and share this post with your friends who definitely will need to read this.

Love Ya,

Oluseye Ashiru

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