#Tips Tuesday – Get Rid Of The Clutter

Feeling overwhelmed?

Always looking for things?

One thing that guarantees that you’ll always be looking for stuff is when you have too many things!

On Today’s Tips Tuesday, we look at this Tip:


Unclutter Your Living Space

I’m sure if you were to look through your closet, you’ll find some things you don’t even remember you have. You’ll find some you haven’t used in more than six months. Those are things that constitute clutter in your home and they need to go.

Have a rule to prevent accumulating stuff. For example, instead of piling up more and more stuff, you may decide that for every new item you buy, an old one goes out. Or, for every two new items, one goes out.

You’ll be amazed at how many people will appreciate those things you are willing to give away.

Some of us have some clothing, kitchen utensils, home decor items, that we don’t even use anymore.

Afterall the Bible says:

“It is more Blessed to Give Than To Receive”  – Acts 20:35

And the good thing about getting rid of the Clutter is that it saves you time and energy.

You actually feel like you’re in charge because your life is organised. You won’t spend ages looking for stuff around the home anymore.

Want to be in more in charge?

Get Rid of The Clutter!

In the Next Post on #TipsTuesday,  we will look at How To Get Rid of The Clutter. Make sure you subscribe to receive all our posts by email. So you can be sure not to miss another post.

Have a Lovely Day.

Signature striving Nigerian mom

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  1. I have a hard time focusing in a messy or cluttered environment. Akron I could stand to get rid of some closet items.

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