Tips Tuesday – It’s Okay To Say “No”

I once had a friend who always found it difficult to say No to requests from people. He would go as far as putting himself in a position of doing something for about 3 different people in the same time space.

He was a good guy, but soon the same people he was trying to please started to see him as unreliable. Why?

He wanted to do everything to please everyone.

Believe me when I say to you sincerely:

You Cannot Do Everything For Everyone!

In fact, the fastest way to Burn Out Completely is to Do What Everyone wants.

So, our Tip for Today is:


Everyone needs to learn the

‘Act of Saying Yes to Saying No’ sometimes.

Even when you’re doing good things, they end up adding up to become an overwhelming headache for you.

Today, embrace the act of Saying No without feeling guilty about it.

So, what do you think? Please share your thoughts.


Signature striving Nigerian mom



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