Mom Productivity Tips – Eat That Frog Now

I have a habit of heading into the kitchen as soon as I finish dinner, drop my plates in the sink and start to wash up.

My hubby dearest cannot for the life of him understand why I do things like that.

“Why don’t you rest for a while first?” he would ask.
I usually respond with:“If I would still be the one to do these dishes, I’d better get them done now”.
I would have you know that my worst chores are things that have to do with washing.
Anything that involves getting ones hands wet are the worst chores you could ask me to do.
You would never guess though.
Why? They are the ones I usually get done first before any others.
This small story is to help you understand better our Tip for today.

MOM PRODUCTIVITY TIPS FROM MOMS ACHIEVING PURPOSE. Learn how to prevent from getting overwhelmed as a mom, plan your time well and make time for the things that are important to you.

Eat That Frog Now!


What does that even mean?

Make it a habit to always tackle the hardest, most complex, but most important task before you first. Ensure that you resist the urge to deal with small and mundane issues first. Whatever you choose on a regular basis will become a part of you and form a habit.

If you keep choosing to address the small tasks that have no consequential bearing on your life purpose and dreams, you risk leaving out and procrastinating on the important issues of your life.

My example on getting the dishes done may seem trivial to you, but if you apply that principle to every important decision of your life, you’ll see that you’ll begin to accomplish more in getting closer to your goals. You cannot afford to keep ignoring the mountains and expect them to just go away. Face those important tasks first, then you will feel a sense of accomplishment that will give you the drive to tackle all other tasks with vigor.

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”

– Mark Twain

Don’t forget, the frog must be eaten anyway, you may as well get it over and done with.


Are you feeling  little overwhelmed with all the many hats you need to wear as a mom?

Are you struggling to make it through each day?

Are you burning out while secretly envying others who seem to have it all together?

Do you wish that you had time to do the things you’ve always dreamt of doing?

I can show you what to do!

This is something I have practised consistently for more than a decade and I can assure you it works!

All you need to do is to book a 60-minute strategy session that will turbo-charge you, equip you with all you need to live a full, fulfilling life, doing the things that matter to you and leave you full of energy, ready to take on the world.

You can contact me and I’ll be glad to help you through.

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It is possible to have it ALL!

Oluseye Ashiru Moms Achieving Purpose


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“I still love you Glow.”
“You can’t love me. What about your wife?”
“I just got married to her because you were already married. It’s you I love and not her”.
“Please take me back to my office. I can’t do this”


  1. I can very well relate to this. My husband says the same and my thought is if you aren’t going to help sort it out, then let me handle it when it’s best suited for me. And as for the other relevance to life, so true. One of my most resounding lessons from Secondary school is “Procrastination is a thief of time”.

  2. Word! My husband and I had a discussion this week about endeavoring to wash our plates after eating and rinsing glasses after use. We are seriously eating this frog together. Kudos, Striving Nigerian Mom for pointing this out!

  3. I believe in getting those things done and moving on sharp, sharp. Otherwise, it will remain there and niggle the back of my mind. Good one. Have you been sending any pingbacks for Tuesdays corner? Just wanted to be sure nothing’s missing. Regards

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