My Strong Willed Child…

We say a child is ‘strong willed’ when that child is determined to have his way. They are usually fastidious in their decisions; nothing can seem to make them budge once their minds are made up.
For instance, a strong willed child is that child that won’t eat once he has decided that he doesn’t want to, no matter what you may try.

When we observe the characters of great leaders, we are often confronted with someone who has a ‘die-hard’ attitude. That your child that seems to be frustrating all your parenting techniques, is a child on her way to greatness – if you can only help her to channel her energies in the right direction.

That’s because a strong willed child will keep moving in a certain direction regardless of the obstacles along their way. The very thing that challenges you so much, is the greatest asset and strength of that child.

Raising a leader is not easy because a leader will often like to do things their way, often telling others how to live their lives. So, translate that to a strong willed child! Not every action of your child is aimed at defiance, rebellion or misbehaviour. Sometimes, if you can trace that character trait in your child to one of the parents (who by the way is also strong-willed, maybe it’s even you Mom), then that will give you a better perspective on your child’s behaviour.


As moms, we are often told, spank that child into submission!

What if you have spanked and spanked, and your child won’t just comply?

What else will you do?

How Can You Handle Your Strong Willed Child?

As Mom, you need to develop a stronger will than your own child. If you’re not naturally strong-willed, then you have to develop one, or else your child will play on your weakness, and keep acting out in a selfish way, not caring about the feelings of others.

  • Teach your child by setting limits. Let your child know that you’re open to discussion if there’s an issue at hand, but you will only dialogue if they are graceful in their manner of approach. This will help your child to realize that they need to consider others in their decisions as well. Teach your child to obey first, then dialogue after obeying.
  • Keep calm – not so easy when your child has that defiant look on his face, is it? But keeping calm gives you a sense of control, and passes a clear message to your child that you’re in charge.
  • State your expectations clearly, and you may need to repeat yourself too.
  • Be consistent in your approach.
  • Don’t sweat the small stuff – you don’t need to make an issue out of every little matter
  • Your parenting approach as a Mom should be such that your child is secure in the fact that they are loved by you. When they see your heart of love, a strong willed child can be transformed into a loving leader.


Watch This Video Below To Learn Even More About Handling your Strong-Willed Child.



Raising a strong willed child can be quite tasking and challenging, but let your motivation and consolation be the bigger picture- you’re raising a leader.

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Fellow Mom,
Oluseye Ashiru


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