Beyond Cereals and Diapers

Your Child is An Arrow Shot Into The Future

As a mom, there are many days when I am just craving for the time to put up my feet and just rest.

Thinking of the future of my children may just be put on hold for now, I just want to get through this day, tomorrow will cater to its own needs!

As much as this may seem to be the easier route to take, I have to consciously remind myself that the future of my kids starts today. I have to put their tomorrow on the front burner, keeping it at the center of my every interaction with them. I can’t afford not to consider their future, not even for a second.


My children are arrows, arrows in the hands of a ‘Mighty Mom’, arrows to be shot into the future, arrows that will influence and make impact.

Why then should I not deliberately consider their future every step of the way?

I am putting in them today what they will require to make the kind of positive influence I desire them to make in their future.

“A mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning unnecessary”– Dorothy Canfield Fisher

I often say to myself, “I want to raise a son whose wife will commend me for raising such a kind, loving, thoughtful gentleman”. “I want to raise daughters whose homes will be the envy of others, who’ll be pillars wherever they may find themselves”. “I want to raise children who’ll be change agents, who will simply refuse to be drawn into whatever may be the popular opinion, who will rather stand alone on the right path at whatever the cost”.

“Now that… my kids are grown, I understand how much work and love it takes to raise and to keep a family together. The example of your strength, devotion, and patience is now rippling through the generations. Thank you!” – By Forest Houtenschil

Why then shouldn’t I make all efforts to rise beyond the diapers and the cereals, the cooking and the washing?

Why then shouldn’t I draw from the inner strength in me, rise above my physical tiredness, and raise my kids as those Arrows – The Ones Shot Into The Future?

Why Shouldn’t You Too?

“Only mothers can think of the future- because they give birth to it in their children” – By Maxim Gorky

Remember that these children you have been entrusted with are arrows shot into the future.

How does this knowledge challenge you to do more in intentionally raising your child?

What will you begin to do differently with this knowledge?

I’d love to share in your thoughts. Drop a comment below and let’s learn from each other.

Fellow Human Mom,

Oluseye Ashiru


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