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Help! I’m The Other Woman Part 4
"What am I doing?", Gloria thought as she made her way to the first floor.…
Help! I’m The Other Woman Part 3
The week went by even more quickly than anticipated. There was just too much to…
Help! I am The Other Woman Part 2
"Beeeeeeeeep" Gloria covered her head with the pillow to drown out the sound of her…
Lessons from Easter Part 2: Remember What God Said To You
“Remember what He said to you”. This is the second lesson in our series on…
Help! I’m The Other Woman Part 1
"I am a married woman having an affair with a married man." "I never believed…
If Tomorrow Does Not Show Up – Here is why you should be present in every moment
I was once at a gathering of women where the speaker was giving an exhortation.…
7 Ways You Can Help Your Child Handle a New School Well
Is your child starting a new school? Are you anxious? Is your child anxious about…
Lessons From Easter Part 1: The Presence of Pain Does Not Equate The Absence of God
This week in Christianity, usually referred to as the ‘Holy Week’, is such an important…